Manny Crisostomo's collection of published books: “Mainstreet: Small Town Michigan” (1986), “Moving Pictures: A Look at Detroit from High Atop the People Mover” (1987), “Legacy of Guam: I Kustumbren Chamoru (1992), Guam from the Heavens” (1998), “Art + Journalism: 40 Years of Images” (2016), “Journeys to the Heart: Pacific Islanders Celebrate Their Indigenous Cultures” (2017), “Manaotao Sanlagu: CHamorus from the Marianas - Håcha na Lepblo” (2022). “Journeys to the Heart: Pacific Islanders Celebrate Their Indigenous Cultures” SECOND EDITION (2023),
“Hasso: WWII CHamoru Survivors & Liberators,” with Judge Johnny Gogo (2024)